Monday, November 22, 2010

Hide Pipes Behind Pedestal

Blood Donation in Woippy November 25, 2010 Christmas 2010


The French Blood Establishment (EFS) has launched a fresh appeal for blood donations. "With the approach of Christmas and New Year, there is a rare and precious gift: the gift of blood", said the winter campaign of the EFS.

Holiday Season New Year is a time when blood donations are still fewer. And every day 10,000 blood donations are needed. The EFS looks including 10,000 blood donations are needed.

"There is every year in January, a sharp drop in donations while the consumption of blood products, after a lull due to the holiday season, rebounded sharply," said the property in a statement.

You can give your blood Woippy Michel Bonnet room (entrance at the rear of the hall), Thursday, November 25, 2010 from 16h to 18h45.


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