Venus of the South Seas, the brunette Dorothy Lamour reflects the magic of old Hollywood movies where all dreams were possible and where his voice languid and melodious rocked more an adventure movie or musical. Daubed the foundation, dressed in a sarong, leaning against a tree, this beautiful siren of the 40s is almost a mirage of a world now lost. A fine actress who has also evolved into a humorous crazy jokes alongside the crooner Bing Crosby and Bob Hope.
Born in 1914 in New Orleans, Dorothy Lamour worked very young to provide for his family. Then she sells toys
in a department store, the girl goes to a singing contest in Chicago. Spotted by the bandleader Herbie Kaye, Dorothy is committed to her training for tours across the U.S. and radio popular. She also became the wife of Herbie. While in Hollywood, she went unnoticed by Louis B Mayer and other producers but the clumsiness its impresario makes him lose many opportunities. Paramount finally moved him to embody "hula girl from the bush" in a jungle of junk. Covered with dark paint (which earned him skin problems), flanked by the chimpanzee and tiger Kimau Bogo, Dorothy sings and charms the audience with his character of Tarzan.
While continuing the tour with her husband, the new star under contract with Paramount is supporting roles in several musicals for Paramount as the fury of Black Gold (1937) where it is overshadowed by Irene Dunne. Recognizing the potential of
brunette, to borrow Samuel Goldwynn Paramount to Hurricane John Ford. His role as daughter Islands enthusiasm the public and newspapers that focus on cinema beauty "typed" as we said at the time. She also recorded the song from the movie "the moon of Monakoora" Hawaiian haunting melody, which is a hit (back in France by Elyane Célis). Now subscribes to the roles of native, Dorothy Lamour successively "Toura the goddess of the jungle" (in the middle of nasty natives who want to throw to the crocodiles white men), the heroine of the Typhoon (technicolor and sarong shortcut), the Aloma Queen of the Islands (with Jon Hall all muscle) or stooge Mahok, elephant devil (which many will laugh some harsh criticism) ... and other tropical fantasies we'd like to see today and which falsely exotic flavor took a deliciously kitsch .
To promote certain films, Dorothy gave a singing tour in the first half, with his sarong and his bracelets, in theaters in New York.
Dorothy Lamour also seems
in musicals (St. Louis Blues, the squadron is in port) in classic thrillers or quality (Johnny Apollo with Tyrone Power) or movies like costumes the beautiful horsewoman where for once she is hailed for his performance, without meeting the public support. Humble and lucid, Dorothy Lamour never claimed to be a great actress; to reporters asking whether she had taken voice lessons or acting, she replied "no, it shows! .
In 1940, Dorothy triumphed in the road to Singapore, a musical burlesque dialogues delirious with Bing Crosby and Bob Hope
extravagant. The success is such that several sequels will be filmed with the same trio turns to Morocco, Rio and Bali. Besides the lovely languid songs, Dorothy is impeccable in this kind of wacky comedy in which his malice and his mocking tone bring a welcome zest to the cocktail of fantasy. Divorced
Herbie Kaye, star plus dedicated to charity and the war effort (it says it has managed to sell more war bonds than any other star) often comes with JE Hoover, head of the CIA, with which it remains bound until his death. He seems to post much more than it was but tender friendship with the actress married Captain WR Howard.
In 1944, she created It Should Happen to slow you in the musical 4 flirtations and a heart with the vivacious Betty Hutton. She then became the musical remake of Midnight Baroness "Masquerade in Mexico" by Mitchell Leisen, his favorite director. Always modest, the actress would have said, the script is too good, there are dialogues, not for me! Before being persuaded by the
director. If the result is disappointing (it seems that some songs are truncated and passages in the surviving version), the provision of Dorothy is very respectable.
Eager to enhance his career towards more ambitious films, actress hesitate not to symbolically burn his sarong before the press. But is it easy to give up so easily an image that sticks to your skin?
After forming a duo with Bob Hope entertaining the brown of my dreams, the actress has gone astray in the land of pirates, adventure film down by critics with a rare violence.
Paramount who took the opportunity to rejuvenate his staff of players went to Dorothy's freedom to launch new younger actresses.
Unfortunately, the few films that the actress will turn into freelance will have no impact to the public. Cancan dancer in Slightly French (1949) or singer's heyday in Belle lulu (
sentenced by a league of decency as amoral), Dorothy did not have the same appeal that sarong.
She agrees to occur around singing at the London Palladium where she won a resounding success.
In 1952, Dorothy made her comeback to the screen in The Greatest Show on Earth, a blockbuster of Cecil B de Mille, often replayed on television. A memorable film m ^ me whether the role of Dorothy instead erased. After a final spin in Bal Bali with his friends Bob Hope and Bing Crosby (and sarong as before), Dorothy leaves the screen to devote himself to his children. As she herself admits, the phone rang more!
Hollywood has never really focused on the glamorous stars of more than 40 years, especially when it is subject to the double chin.
Dorothy will continue to sing on disk, in night clubs and London again. Before to remake a fleeting appearance
e (friends noticed) in a final number ... The Road to Hong Kong (1962), despite Bing Crosby's opposition considered that the most bankable and the presence of Joan Collins in the lead female role.
If on occasion, the actress accepted a role even do anything to not be forgotten (the infamous pajama party for example), especially now Dorothy sings on stage (Hello Dolly in 1967). Asked about the film today, the former sex symbol showed himself somewhat embittered attacking "sex, nudity and homosexuality to the screen that are ruining the hopes of youth." It will still appear in TV series, never denying an interview. Very appreciated by her fellow peers for a good mood, its simplicity and humor, Dorothy Lamour passed away in 1994.
Alas, Paramount it fut la star la mieux payé à la fin des années 30, n’a jamais vraiment accordé d’intérêt à son catalogue et hormis la série avec Bob Hope, les films de Dorothy Lamour sont difficilement visibles aujourd’hui Nul doute qu’un ressortie en DVD occasionnerait un regain d’intérêt pour cette splendide créature. En tous les cas, on peut toujours écouter sa voix berceuse, ensorcelante sur quelques Cds importés des USA ou d’Angleterre.
Born in 1914 in New Orleans, Dorothy Lamour worked very young to provide for his family. Then she sells toys

While continuing the tour with her husband, the new star under contract with Paramount is supporting roles in several musicals for Paramount as the fury of Black Gold (1937) where it is overshadowed by Irene Dunne. Recognizing the potential of

To promote certain films, Dorothy gave a singing tour in the first half, with his sarong and his bracelets, in theaters in New York.
Dorothy Lamour also seems

In 1940, Dorothy triumphed in the road to Singapore, a musical burlesque dialogues delirious with Bing Crosby and Bob Hope

Herbie Kaye, star plus dedicated to charity and the war effort (it says it has managed to sell more war bonds than any other star) often comes with JE Hoover, head of the CIA, with which it remains bound until his death. He seems to post much more than it was but tender friendship with the actress married Captain WR Howard.
In 1944, she created It Should Happen to slow you in the musical 4 flirtations and a heart with the vivacious Betty Hutton. She then became the musical remake of Midnight Baroness "Masquerade in Mexico" by Mitchell Leisen, his favorite director. Always modest, the actress would have said, the script is too good, there are dialogues, not for me! Before being persuaded by the

Eager to enhance his career towards more ambitious films, actress hesitate not to symbolically burn his sarong before the press. But is it easy to give up so easily an image that sticks to your skin?
After forming a duo with Bob Hope entertaining the brown of my dreams, the actress has gone astray in the land of pirates, adventure film down by critics with a rare violence.
Paramount who took the opportunity to rejuvenate his staff of players went to Dorothy's freedom to launch new younger actresses.
Unfortunately, the few films that the actress will turn into freelance will have no impact to the public. Cancan dancer in Slightly French (1949) or singer's heyday in Belle lulu (

She agrees to occur around singing at the London Palladium where she won a resounding success.
In 1952, Dorothy made her comeback to the screen in The Greatest Show on Earth, a blockbuster of Cecil B de Mille, often replayed on television. A memorable film m ^ me whether the role of Dorothy instead erased. After a final spin in Bal Bali with his friends Bob Hope and Bing Crosby (and sarong as before), Dorothy leaves the screen to devote himself to his children. As she herself admits, the phone rang more!
Hollywood has never really focused on the glamorous stars of more than 40 years, especially when it is subject to the double chin.
Dorothy will continue to sing on disk, in night clubs and London again. Before to remake a fleeting appearance

If on occasion, the actress accepted a role even do anything to not be forgotten (the infamous pajama party for example), especially now Dorothy sings on stage (Hello Dolly in 1967). Asked about the film today, the former sex symbol showed himself somewhat embittered attacking "sex, nudity and homosexuality to the screen that are ruining the hopes of youth." It will still appear in TV series, never denying an interview. Very appreciated by her fellow peers for a good mood, its simplicity and humor, Dorothy Lamour passed away in 1994.
Alas, Paramount it fut la star la mieux payé à la fin des années 30, n’a jamais vraiment accordé d’intérêt à son catalogue et hormis la série avec Bob Hope, les films de Dorothy Lamour sont difficilement visibles aujourd’hui Nul doute qu’un ressortie en DVD occasionnerait un regain d’intérêt pour cette splendide créature. En tous les cas, on peut toujours écouter sa voix berceuse, ensorcelante sur quelques Cds importés des USA ou d’Angleterre.
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