is surrounded by his entire team (employees and elected municipality) that the visit by Mr. Ward Grosdidier, deputy mayor of Woippy was held Thursday, October 21, 2010.
The points raised by residents were numerous: land opposite Nos. 8, 9 and 10, serving the train station by TCRM, number of stops of ESTs to Metz and Luxembourg, the access train station, near by CCTV security, on the stadium project Gibon, Bugs or neighborhood due to traffic. The themes were not wanting to feed the exchange between residents and the mayor.
We already spoke about in the blog in the month of March , land opposite the residences are not maintained and problematic. The council has leveled and sodded the parcel to the numbers 8 and 10 but it does not belong to him yet. Before the number 9, nothing is done. Those present were reminded how dangerous things lurking there. The mayor said he wants to recover land for green areas and even, perhaps, a soft path for pedestrians and bicycles along the garage service equipment, but the asking price did not meet expectations the town hall. In any event, the Mayor said he could remind owners of their obligations to maintain their properties. Hopefully this may be monitoring developments.
Stadium Gibon
The Mayor has confirmed the school project on the stadium Gibon associated with a garden of awakening, a structure that can accommodate 2 / 3 years before kindergarten. We had no indication of the timing of this project.
train station, bus service and ter
Several issues were discussed around the station. There is still a lack of deliveries to Luxembourg and to Metz who does not take full advantage Woippiciens to move. Missing stops to Metz in the morning and also to Luxembourg in the morning. Ms. Kuntz, Deputy Mayor and Regional Councillor, said it would raise the point as quickly as possible to the Regional Council.
At the residence of the draft, some estate agents have announced the renovation of the area around the train station with the roundabout that serves for parking and street from the station with a possibility for a bus turn around in the round point. Several people have asked if a service station was planned by TCRM. Beyond purely technical issues to set (width of road to allow passage of buses), the mayor has heard the request. A service project of the district Creek is already under way to line 110, it is quite possible for the mayor, to make it through the station via the street from the station. Ferdinand Street Jungling not allowing the passage of buses, especially at the intersection with Rue Foch.
Finally, near the station are wide open. The children sometimes play near the summer with the risk of going on the platform when a train passed. Residents warned about the risk. The mayor replied that it was more the responsibility of SNCF.
Video surveillance was discussed with the chairmen of union councils at the large number of burglaries in the basement. The next phase involves Olympium. The area around the station would be next.
The tour then continued to the streets Kempnich and Foch.
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