Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Samira Tewfiq, the proud Bedouin

Pretty brunette with glowing eyes, the beautiful Samira Tewfiq (Toufic) incarnated on screen the prototype of the Bedouin, courageous and determined peasant of the desert, brilliantly singing melodies cleverly modernized, inspired by the Jordanian folklore and rural traditions. The catchy rhythm of his music and his undeniable presence in his films bring real added value. Admired by Tunisia to Saudi Arabia, the singer also known within the Arab world Folklore, and most of his films were exported to France in the 70s (even if their distribution was intended primarily to immigrant customers). Born in

Bey Routh in 1935, Samira Cremona grew up in a large family and very modest, but surrounded by the love of his. She was discovered by chance when she sings in her garden, by a great sitar player, who seduced by her voice, moved to his parents to teach singing and music. His father was then very reluctant, but encouraged by his mother, Samira tries his luck at the Lebanese radio. The composer
the Tewfiq Bayoumi and composes for her remark is kalbi yama tlawâat Meskin, his first song. He renamed Samira Tewfiq (which means success in Arabic ... a pseudonym good omen!). The young artist is engaged in the early 60 in a Jordanian radio that inspires them to tap into the rep grained sang nomadic Bedouin culture. It is subject to a hard drive in local dialects so that his interpretation seems genuine. The success was immediate and dramatic: it was applauded by King Hussein of Jordan and was invited to Cairo to sing alongside the great Abdel Halim Afez, the nightingale's song brown Egyptian. We can congratulate Samira Tewfiq have rehabilitated with talent the popular heritage of rural Eastern, giving him acclaim. In all Arab countries and even beyond, it will become an ambassador for the Bedouin song. In 1963, the singer made her screen debut alongside Kamel El Chenawi in "the daughter of the desert" Niazi Mustafa, the love story between an archaeologist and a nice Bedouin parents want to marry her by force a man of the tribe. This prolific director had given its pedigree to a very particular genre: the movie Bedouin kind of western East located in the desert, with a valiant hero defending his tribe with panache. His wife, the talented and effervescent Kouka it embodied the "Bedouin" proud and courageous. Samira
will somehow take over by playing a series of musicals that same character of pure and respectful peasant who always wins in the end. If films are not always very subtle, Samira did not go unnoticed: a pretty brunette, very busty, which is reminiscent of both Gina Lollobrigida and Sara Montiel.
Between 1964, is found in a comedy "The Bedouin in Paris "where she tries to attract the attention of an unrepentant seducer (Rushdy Abaza). After having vainly searched the streets of Paris (notice how the Parisians are portrayed in this film as unpleasant one day), she dons a blonde wig (which suits her to perfection) and is pass for a European ... for he finally falls into his net. Note that during the filming of this movie, actress, refusing to be doubled, will severely hurt by falling from a rock and will undergo surgery that will delay the filming of several weeks.

In the same vein, then found the Bedouin .. In Rome (1965), in traditional dress, singing a very pretty ride deva nt the Trevi Fountain. Very rhythmic melodies listen with great pleasure.
Antar's Daughter (1964) is a big commercial success (in Tunisia, the film will continue to screen for several months): this is a historical epic recounting the exploits of Antar, the illegitimate son of an emir and a black slave. This legendary figure had already inspired several earlier films with the famous Niazi Mustafa Kouka and even a Hollywood production with Victor Mature.
The gypsy love (1972) was the subject of much attention (12-month shoot, which is extremely rare at the time). Regret was expressed at the time that "the Bedouin goat keepers are here portrayed as the bad guys meet nice Westernized Arab, drinking whiskey beside their swimming pool"
The beautiful desert, shot in 1974, will benefit from very critical favorable when it was broadcast in France three years later, "very properly directed, the film sets up a romantic atmosphere with fatal naivete are not without charm." The journal of cinema usually so reluctant to sell the Lebanese musical films "the captivating rhythms of songs from the beautiful Samira wanderings from village to village tribal gypsy" and a final, almost Hitchcockian "all e No lamenting a second part which combines all the cliches.
In 1976, Sami ra involved in yet another version of the exploits of Antar, known this time, Antar rider of the desert, and telling her thwarted love with Abla.
In 1977, Samira Tewfiq triumph in his turn singing at the Sheraton Cairo: it says she won 100,000 dollars in jewelry, watches and other gifts offered by its fans during his performance.

Tewfiq Samira's reputation was not confined to the eastern world. Ambassador Song Bedouin, the luscious brunette has also performed at the opera in Melbourne to London before Queen Elizabeth II (and also has an apartment in the capital London), Venezuela, in Paris (in 1993 the sports hall) and Lyon.
During his recital, the singer pays particular attention to its presentation featuring beautiful embroidered tunics, lovingly crafted by its designer of record. It is even said that the bodyguards had was committed to avoid the crowds of admirers inadvertently gentle on its sumptuous gold dresses or trying to snatch pieces, thinking that this real gold!
The star has long been surrounded by his brothers and sisters with whom she was very intimate, and during the Lebanese civil war (which began in 1975), home of the star will be affected by bombing and one of her sisters there lose his life: Samira will then raise her children. In the '70s, the singer has shared the life of the Lebanese TV director; More recently, she married a Lebanese businessman living in Sweden;
Always very popular in the 80s, it is said that the streets of Beirut were deserted when the singer was happening on television or played in a soap opera, people were glued to their TV screens!
Since then, the singer is much rarer and may regret it. In 2002, she made a comeback with his album noticed Mani al. She continues to inspire many artists in the Arab world and remains a well-respected by the Arab public.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

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Jardins du Pays d'Auge

Les Jardins du Pays d'Auge (in Cambremer, Calvados) put into a situation and plants sold at the nursery and Armelle Jacques Noppe. A nice walk in a group of several gardens very different from each other.

Monday, January 24, 2011

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Camilla Horn, Marilyn Monroe

Beautiful blonde with smooth lines, Camilla Horn were probably among the most beautiful faces of the silent cinema. Her performance in Faust Murnau's masterpiece would have to open the paths of international fame and all hopes were permitted. However, after a fruitless trip to Hollywood, the beautiful star has continued without making a song his career in Germany. The innocent and fragile heroine of the silent in the meantime had turned into a vamp cold and calculating, seeded in passing a few songs sung-spoken in more or less musical melodramas, distilling the occasional propaganda messages.

Born in 1903 in Frankfort, the daughter of first officer took some dance classes while working as a fashion designer in a factory of pajamas. She did some figurative it to the movies (especially alongside Marlene Dietrich) before being spotted by producer Alexander Korda in a magazine. It reveals the pretty girl in a p OTENTIAL physical star of the screen and donate some sense of movement. With its
support, she landed the coveted female lead's Faust (1926) Murnau alongside Emmil Jannings, one of the most popular stars of European cinema. The role was originally was written for Lillian Gish to measure, but the Hollywood star had finally managed to retract the refusal studio UFA to use his official photographer. Murnau had noticed the beauty of Camilla Horn as she was backing in light of Lil Dagover Tartuffe.
an impressive visual beauty, this masterpiece of Expressionism is one of the biggest artistic and commercial successes silent film. To get the best performance of the novice actress, Murnau did not hesitate to shoot many times the slightest movement in a constant quest for excellence. How can we forget the grace and modernity set the comedian in scenes such difficult q ue death of his child or his execution at the stake. After a sensational start as the star who just signed with the UFA, a few difficulties finding roles and above all a director of the same caliber. In 1928, she fell in love with the producer Joseph Schenck, who took with him to Hollywood, determined to make German actress Greta Garbo another. The choice of a partner as prestigious as the most revered of John Barrymore would logically allow the actress to become an American star, yet the filming of the Storm (1928) Sam Taylor proved very painful, John Barrymore already impaired by alcohol have the greatest difficulty to remember his lines, not to squint to stay awake! In the next film Eternal love, always with Barrymore,
so so talented and prestigious Ernst Lubitsch, which ensures the scene. Visiting Lake Louise in Canada 2 years ago, I was surprised a monument in memory of John Barrymore and the film shot in these magical places: unfortunately, the commercial and critical failure of the film did not allow Camilla Horn to make a name for the country stars. Moreover the advent of talking pictures was a real threat to foreign actresses to guttural. And Charles Chaplin, who had envisaged that Camilla a role in the city lights retracted ... So, Camilla went miserably in Europe ... If the blonde actress
then rotated continuously until the end of the war, none of his films have really scored on a film. The cinema became sound, and the songs are ubiquitous, as the Po Negri, Liane Haid and other stars of the silent screen Camilla sings and records for the firm Odeon discs with tunes from its films, including the famous Gypsy Orchestra Bela Dajo. Her voice is high pitched and just, as is the fashion of the time.
films are shot in multiple languages for export, and Camilla also plays occasionally in the French versions (the song of Nations). It is also found in the German version of the five gentlemen maudits, a minor work of Julien Duvivier colonial accents annoying. Between 1932 and 1934, actress in several films in Britain: police officers second class who have little lasting impression. The musicals are very popular with the general public and Camilla lends itself to this kind of good grace: The Last Waltz (1934) is an adaptation of an operetta and a waltz with you, a frivolous comedy with enough removed Graveure Louis, opera singer from England who had triumphed on American stages. During 4 years, Camilla has shared the life of the singer in Berlin and his villa in Roquebrune on the Riviera. Suspected of espionage by the Nazis, Louis Graveure be saved in Fra nce and the villa he shared with Camilla will be thoroughly searched, without success. Worried, the actress will hit a few times a prohibition to practice his profession. To avoid reprisals, it will therefore be constrained by Goebbels to pay its contribution to anti-Soviet propaganda film "The cruiser Sevastopol (1937). Vision fascist, racist and extremely biased to the Bolshevik Revolution, the film is even more dangerous because it is staged with skill and vigor. He won considerable success of its distribution in occupied France in 1941. The What two beautiful songs hum Camilla Horn (the most memorable of his career) will also be a great success with us by Dean Martin.
In 1937, Camilla Horn plays in the German version of the Traveller by Jacques Feyder where she reprises the role of Mary Glory. It is now subscribed to the roles of vamps nasty and venal, cold and calculating that decorate the spy movies like red orchid (1938) or Zentrale Rio (1940). Between missions of espionage, beautiful singing and dancing rather moderately, without much comfort in bars with hideous decor Berlin, Rio or other mysterious destinations. However at the beginning of the war, his star paled and his name gradually descends on the posters of his films, even if the magazine maintains cinémondial in 1942 she is still among the stars Germany's most requested "his main quality of being able to adapt surprising sensitivity to each of his characters. " Be deduced from this dark time an excellent biography of Friedemann Bach (son of Johann Sebastian), the wandering musician, a work well done and very moving and tragic love story with a melodramatic opera singer Benjamino Gigli. Like other actresses in disgrace, the actress is forced to shoot several films in Italy, including a remake of "Prison Without Bars (1941) L Moguy. It is said that Mussolini was very attracted by the star and the latter will admit having "flirted" with the dictator. Still married, she will also liaise with partner Luis Hurtado. On his return to Germany, she starred in a musical by Paul Martin will be banned by the Nazi censorship for reasons poorly understood. After his bracket and the Italian film banned, Camilla disappears from theaters. It occurs in song recitals, theater (the eagle with two heads Cocteau) or radio. On the big screen, his two comeback attempts go unnoticed: fortunately she triumphs in the theater after Colette Gigi in the middle of year born 60. In 1985, Camilla Horn publish his memoirs. For the occasion, she went to France and is interviewed by Thierry Ardisson: always lucid and beautiful, she noticed that her career has not suffered the same impact as that of Dietrich in particular because it lacked the support of a Pygmalion . In 1987, the actress made her comeback to the screen with his old colleagues and Marika Rökk Marianne Hoppe in Königswalde schloss. Camilla Horn passed away in 1996 aged 93. But thanks to the talent of Murnau, the beautiful blonde has not finished haunting film libraries. Bruce Springsteen has also dedicated a song to the star "fallen"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

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TCRM: New SMS service ... without stress

As of Monday, January 17, 2011, a new SMS service ... Stress-Free ... was established. So you can keep in touch with TCRM in heavy unforeseen disturbances on the bus network.
More information

Information sms - Texto bus TCRM and newsletter
These services allow you to receive major disruption of your network data bus.

How does it work?

Texto Sms-bus : a text message displayed on your mobile phone in case of unexpected and significant disruption occurring on the network TCRM. You are well informed promptly Your service may be degraded.

Newsletter: With this free service, you receive the news of TCRM and disturbances on the lines provided that you take, directly to your mailbox. This highly accurate information is a good complement to the sms-service Texto bus.

How to register?

1 - Venue:
- on Page "Our Services" under "Newsletter and SMS" : an online form allows you to subscribe to both services
- to Space Bus TCRM - Place de la Republique in Metz - where registration forms are available.
2 - Identify the lines where you want to receive traffic information
3 - Choose the type of alert you would like: sms-Texto bus and / or newsletter
4 - Confirm your registration using the button "validate"

If you already subscribe to the newsletter of TCRM, enter your email address in the field provided for this purpose the bottom of the form Registration website. You will then receive an email containing a link to a page that allows you to edit / complete your "space coordinates.

At any time, you can delete or edit your registration upon written request to: TCRM - 7 Avenue de Blida - 57050 METZ


Friday, January 21, 2011

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error 604: load-shedding? (More)

After making observations of collective failures around boilers, the initial findings show the problems of power outages that could explain the collective failure ...

continued ...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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Citymap Woippy

Hello everyone, You can find

a city map (click image for larger view):
plan Woippy

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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Census 2011: this year is from January 20

A portion of the population will be identified between Woippy Thursday, January 20 and Saturday, February 26. (...)

In 2011, part of Woippy is identified. Indeed, each year a survey is organized by the mayor and INSEE in the communes of 10,000 inhabitants or more, with a sample of 8% of their population.

homes affected will be contacted directly by an enumerator will visit their homes from 20 January. This will have its official map lights with his photograph and signature of the mayor.

It shall include a worksheet for housing identified, an individual form for each person living in this housing and an information leaflet on the census. Those who wish may be assisted by the enumerator to complete these questionnaires.

When these are completed, they must be given directly to the enumerator, or in case of absence, enclosed by a third party (neighbor, caretaker, etc.). Or be returned for mayor or the regional office INSEE on or before February 26.

The answers to these questionnaires are important. The quality of the census depends on it. It is primarily a civic act, but also a legal obligation under the Act of June 7, 1951 changed.

All responses are confidential. They are transmitted to INSEE and can be no administrative or fiscal control.

Information: Woippy City Council, tel. 03 87 34 63 00, Internet: ,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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General Assembly CLCV

The next Annual General Meeting CLCV the center of the town of Woippy will be held Friday, January 28th at 18:30 in Salle Jean-Jaures. On the agenda, reports business, financial, and moral orientation, the third election out.

Source: Republican Lorrain

Monday, January 17, 2011

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Area 30

A new panel was installed at the entrance to the street today. Although it was difficult to drive at 50km / h in the Ferdinand Jungling, she is now in zone 30 to encourage all users to exercise caution in order.

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The cleanliness of the city is everyone's business

Deputy Mayor in charge of urban planning and land rights, traffic, roads, environment and living environment, Jean-Claude Drouard is still furious at the acts of disloyalty to his fellow citizens. Recent of these, glass containers and newspapers in the Rue de la Gare clearly "forgotten" for some time in the circuit collection Metz Metropole.

He calls his fellow elected officials, municipal staff and residents to show a little more sense of responsibility rather than waiting for "another it occupies." And to add: "The local urban management is everyone's business and not just the Ward Councillors. We will do the necessary to remove such rubbish and empty two containers while still checking that we do not address them in trash bags. In this case, the offenders will be fined from 35 €.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

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INSEE survey on the living

The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) realizes Woippy January 17 to April 16, 2011 a Investigation on the theme of life and safety. The first part of this investigation concerns the environmental quality of habitat, the second addresses the security problems that people have been experiencing over the last two years: burglary, vandalism, theft, assault, etc.. Woippy A few households will be solicited.

An investigator from the INSEE responsible for the interview will contact some of you. It will be provided with an official map of credence.

Source: Republican Lorrain

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error 604

Hey everyone,

A small impromptu meeting tonight at the initiative of some residents of Building A has to finding a very strange ... Most boilers have been at the same time this morning the same error on the monitor screen of their 25 home boiler Urbia Chaffoteaux: error 604 .
Going a little further into the discussion, we realized that this is not the first error displayed and every time the error had appeared simultaneously in several apartments. Meanwhile
understand a little more this happens, the blog the beautiful pre invites residents to come forward with the contact form blog or commenting this article to try to count the number of affected boilers. We know that some boilers had no worries. However, the phenomenon seems to be important enough to gather information in order to consider a sequence adapted to this problem.